Zimbabwe Discovery Trip

In August 2025, Global Mission Partners and ACOM are hosting a discovery visit to experience mission in Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe has experienced many years of political and economic instability, along with prolonged periods of drought. Despite these challenges, Global Mission Partners invite Christian leaders and ACOM students from around Australia to come and witness how Christian presence is sharing God’s love through both word and deed in Zimbabwe.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn some of the language and culture of Zimbabwe, hosted by local Christian leaders. These partners work sharing the Gospel and God’s love through practical development work.

Participants will experience this transformative work, meeting evangelists and rural congregations. They’ll also have the opportunity to visit Khayleihle Children’s Village, a residential village that provides a safe home for vulnerable children, and see programs giving safe water to drought-stricken communities. Come and see firsthand how these programs are flourishing in difficult places. 

Hosted by Carly Cassidy and Colin Battersby, participants will engage in these partner programs, guided by trusted local partners.

Students in any ACOM Higher Education awards from Diploma to Masters can participate in the Discovery Trip as  part of an elective Fieldwork Unit, assuming it fits their academic program. Students will need to speak to their Student Engagement Manager (SEM) to confirm their Course Plan prior to acceptance on this trip. This will involve pre-reading, the keeping of reflection journals, and assessments (including some pre-departure due dates).

ACOM is a Member Institution of Sydney College of Divinity, an Australian University College whose awards we teach.


14 Aug – 29 Aug, 2025


$2,745 + $3,000 approx. flights = $5,745 total

Study Option

Unit costs and trip costs below can be deferred on Fee-Help for qualifying ACOM students.

AQF5 (Diploma Level): $735 cash contribution + $3,000 approx. flights + $1,920 unit cost + $2,210 trip cost = $7,865 total
AQF7: $735 cash contribution + $3,000 approx. flights + $2,470 unit cost + $2,210 trip cost = $8,415 total
AQF8-9: $735 cash contribution + $3,000 approx. flights + $3,040 unit cost + $2,210 trip cost = $8,985 total

Download the Program for More Information