Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is home to hundreds of ethnic, communal, tribal or clan ‘wantok’ groups, and there are at least 850 indigenous languages spoken. Challenges include poverty and little access to education, healthcare and infrastructure. There are many cases of gender-based violence and unhelpful traditional practices.

Preparing people for ministry in Papua New Guinea is challenging. Many churches are in remote tribal settings where illiteracy is high. Due to limited resources and low literacy levels, preparing people for ministry can be complex. However, since the first Churches of Christ missionaries travelled to Papua New Guinea in 1958, more than 100 national pastors have shared the task of evangelism and church planting!

We currently have three projects underway in Papua New Guinea: developing the leadership of student pastors at Gandep Bible Training Centre and Yamen Bible School and supporting local pastors and leaders in their communities through the Melanesian Evangelical Churches of Christ.

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Papua New Guinea
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