
Indigenous Ministry Innovation

Pioneering new Indigenous initiatives What is the Ministry Innovation program? The Ministry Innovation Program supports our Indigenous church and ministry partners in designing and pioneering new and innovative, locally initiated and led projects and programs. It offers financial and advisory…

Immersion Experiences

Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians coming together Reconciliation in Australia requires coming together ‘around the fire’. Providing opportunities for our Indigenous partners to share their culture with non-Indigenous Australians. To explore relationships between Indigenous and non-indigenous people and communities to work…

Leadership Development for Indigenous Australians

Pathways into leadership For many young Indigenous Australians, it’s exciting when they begin their faith journey and seek to know and serve God. To keep this fire burning, they need role models and opportunities to learn what Indigenous leadership looks…

Partnering Well

Many years ago, a small Church on the Northern Beaches in Sydney asked me to help advise them on their mission support and programs.

The Power of Partnership and Prayer

I was fortunate enough to visit one of our incredible NSW church partners in March. Hurstville Church of Christ is located in the centre of the fast-growing suburb of Hurstville, as is their heart for local mission. It was such…

Walk Alongside Young Indigenous Leaders

As a teenager, Lonny had no sense of direction. He sought answers through drugs, alcohol, and relationships. “Being a kid, I didn’t know where I’d go in the world.” When Lonny’s aunty invited him to church, he met Uncle Don…

Raising Our Tribal Voice for Justice

In February, Indigenous Church leaders and theologians gathered from across Australia to attend Raising Our Tribal Voice for Justice, the first Indigenous theological conference of its kind. St Paschal Chapel at the University of Divinity, Box Hill, Victoria, hosted the…

Country is the Very Fabric of our Hearts

“Country is incredibly significant to Indigenous people in Australia….” Uncle Norman Terrick is a Wurundjeri elder (the traditional owners of much of the Melbourne and surrounding areas). He often participates as the Indigenous contributor on the IMA Songlines tours held…

Interview with Juraki’s Mary Slabb

In celebration of NAIDOC week, IMA Coordinator East, Nick Wight, interviewed Mary Slabb, co-founder of Juraki Surf Culture in NSW: Tell us a bit about yourself. Who’s your mob, and where is home for you? I was born in Brewarrina…