Relief & Development

Working with vulnerable people across three continents, we help to break the vicious cycle of poverty by resourcing local communities to create lasting change.

Churches of Christ Overseas Aid (COCOA) is the relief and development program of Global Mission Partners, operating in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific. Working with local communities and organisations on the ground to provide everything from education and healthcare to hygiene and livelihood initiatives, we strive to make sure our local partners are equipped to be incredible agents of change in their communities.

Our goal is to support disadvantaged communities as they work towards their development aspirations, whether that be clean water, education, disaster risk reduction, productive livelihoods, healthcare, or another objective. We partner with local civil society organisations to direct support towards the most vulnerable—those who have been marginalised, economically disadvantaged, or disempowered politically.

Through COCOA, we want to empower and enable people to change their own situations with dignity and respect. All of our projects through this program are designed to help people living in poverty take ownership of the development work and create lasting change in their communities.

COCOA has tax deductibility as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) registered charity with the ATO. Gifts to COCOA greater than $2 are tax deductible.

COCOA is a member of the ACT Alliance, a global alliance of church-based agencies working in advocacy, development and humanitarian work for a fairer world for all. In situations where COCOA does not have a partner that can respond to a humanitarian crisis, we will often work through ACT Alliance.

Global Mission Partners is also accredited by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Australian Government, giving us access to funding streams like the Australian Non-Government Organisation Cooperation Program.

Relief and Development News

A Sewing Machine for Rubina

Rubina listened intently as her friend described a place where she could learn to sew. It sounded like a dream come true, and Rubina was eager to learn more. Rubina lives in Ambarnath, India, in a small shed near the…

Empower Leaders Like Ariyani to Share Hope

Ariyani dreaded the idea of travelling to a rural village by motorbike. She aspires to be in a ministry position in her church, performing on the stage, not traversing Indonesia’s “adventurous” roads.  Ariyana studies at the Christian Church Theological School…