A School Uniform for Petros

Petros did not have school shoes or socks. He would walk with his eldest sister 5km daily to school in Zimbabwe. Without protection for his feet from the dirt and rocks. At home, their father was abusive, and their mother had partial paralysis from a stroke. Petros and his siblings learned to care for themselves very early in life.

When Petros’s mother passed away, he was 11 years old. “All our relatives disappeared after the funeral,” he said. Yet, Petros was not alone. His teacher knew about the family’s need for support and contacted one of the leaders at Khayelihle Children’s Village (KCV).

KCV provides a loving home to orphaned or vulnerable children like Petros. At KCV, the kids live in family groups of various ages in each of the five households. House mothers, fathers and aunties look after the children. They are loved by the staff, fed, clothed and have access to a good education. Where possible, KCV also seeks out the extended family of the children that come to them and helps reunite them where it is safe and supportive for the children.

Petros and his siblings found a new family at KCV. “When we arrived at KCV, it was like a dream heaven on earth,” Petros reflected. It was the first time the children watched TV or played sports. Each day, the KCV bus would take the children to and from school, and Petros never had to walk to school again. “I remember how I cried when I was given a full uniform with a satchel at KCV. It was packed with a lunchbox full of food for school with a bottled drink with juice inside. That, to me, was God answering my prayers.” Petros had everything he needed.

Living at KCV, Petros finally felt like a child. It gave him hope and security that he had never known before. KCV also gave him the foundation he needed to succeed academically and professionally.

Petros completed high school and earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with honours. He is the founder and managing director of a car wash business today. He has a vision to help youth off the streets and provide them with jobs. God has blessed him with a beautiful family, including a wife and two daughters. 

Petros continued to remember KCV many years after he left. We were told he has generously blessed the children’s village by delivering essential groceries and goodies for the kids’ lunchboxes.

“Today, I am a graduate and entrepreneur making a difference in the world because of you,” Petros shared. “I thank you all for your continued support towards our family and KCV. Thank you all. God bless.”

The Great Gift of Shirt and Socks from the Global Mission Partners’ Great Gifts catalogue will help give children living at KCV a new school uniform. You can provide a child, like Petros, with a new shirt, skirt, shorts, socks, or shoes. 

You can give a Great Gift any time of the year, not just Christmas! With Australian kids returning to school, why not take this opportunity to share the gift of a uniform for a child at KCV? Whenever you choose to give a Great Gift, it will be a gift of real purpose. 

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