Pastor Choi and Pastor Alma are the senior pastors of the Asian Christian Community Church in the Philippines. They have partnered with One Church in Blackburn, Victoria, through Global Mission Partners for many years.
The church partnership started by establishing a feeding program. Pastor Choi believed that malnutrition and illness prevented children in the village from completing their education, keeping them and their families in a cycle of poverty.
One Church began providing practical help to the church in the Philippines by funding the program in two slum areas where the families faced severe challenges. The families received immediate relief. Their sickness eased, and their children were well enough to attend school.
Over the years, the partnership between the two churches strengthened. The feeding programs are now running across twelve different locations!
One Church has also supported capacity building and helped Pastor Choi’s church to train its local leaders. They also provided medicines for medical missions and developed the school boat project, which assists young people with transport to and from school.

One of the biggest joys of this partnership is seeing the next generation succeed. Many children have stayed in school and continued into college and university. One of the original children from that first feeding program is now a qualified teacher. He is leading the outreach that he once attended as a child!
Pastor Choi smiles every time he speaks of the partnership. “Your encouragement has given us the strength to continue in our calling.”
To start a church-to-church partnership, please contact Carly Cassidy, National Church Relationships Manager. Email